How do I get fields from ConfiForms to populate a JIRA ticket?

Daniel Ray July 28, 2015

I have a form created in Confluence with ConfiForms and I can get it to make a ticket as long as I do not try to line the fields of the form up with the fields of the screen on the ticket I am trying to create. I keep getting a JSON error. Here is the setup:

Confluence 5.7.4

ConfiForms 1.9.11

JIRA 6.3.1

Here is the script I used in the IFTTT macro: 2 Options neither worked

    "fields": {
          "key": "WIKI"
       "summary": "[entry.summary]",
       "issuetype": {
          "name": "New Space Request"
“customfield_22370” : “[entry.spacename]”
“customfield_22371” : “[entry.key]”
“customfield_22372” : “[entry.purpose]”
“customfield_22373” : “[entry.admin]”
“customfield_22374” : “[entry.source]”
“customfield_22375” : “[entry.existing]”
“customfield_22376” : “[entry.category]”
“customfield_22377” : “[entry.restrictions]”


    "fields": {
          "key": "WIKI"
       "summary": "[entry.summary]",
       "issuetype": {
          "name": "New Space Request"
“customfield_22370” : “${spacename}”
“customfield_22371” : “${key}”
“customfield_22372” : “${purpose}”
“customfield_22373” : “${admin}”
“customfield_22374” : “${source}”
“customfield_22375” : “${existing}”
“customfield_22376” : “${category}”
“customfield_22377” : “${restrictions}”

2 answers

1 accepted

1 vote
Answer accepted
Daniel Ray August 4, 2015

I reached out to ConfiForms support.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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September 15, 2015

Sorry Daniel, missed your question on Atlassian Answers and thanks for contacting us directly. Yes, it is totally possible with ConfiForms plugin but requires a bit of an attention to details, as the data provided must be in format JIRA expects (the intermediate JSON must be correct) Some links to help: (which help you to construct the JSON in a correct format)

0 votes
Daniel Ray August 3, 2015

Can anyone answer this question?

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