How do I get a mouse hover pop up in Confluence?

Krista_McGruder April 23, 2020

How can I get Confluence to let me insert an image and then have text pop up or cascade when a mouse hovers over it? 

1 answer

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 24, 2020

Hello Krista,

The feature you're looking for is called Title Text and it's a setting in Image Properties when you insert a photo.

For example:

When you click on your embedded image, you'll be presented with this toolbar, and you just want to click Properties:

Here's where you can add the text:

CleanShot 2020-04-24 at 15.48.45.png

The Title text will be the pop-up text, and Alt text will show for anyone using a screen reader. I tried to get a screenshot of how this looks, but the pop-up text disappears as soon as I try to make a screen capture. I can confirm it's working, however, so please feel free to try it for yourself.

There's a bug that you should be aware of, where when hovering over an image you'll see a crosshair cursor instead, and that's logged here along with a workaround to share with your admin:

  • CONFSERVER-57843 Mouse Cursor displayed incorrectly when hovering over attached Image in Confluence Page

Take care,


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April 11, 2023

Hey Shannon, 

I only see the text popping up when the page is in edit mode.
When I preview the edited page or save the page the pop up text disappears. 

Edit mode: 

text hover mouse.png

Preview/save mode: 

text gone.png

Do you know how we can solve this or do you have other suggestions on how to make this visible? 

Thank you in advance!

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Martin Richter
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I'm New Here
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April 13, 2023

This happend to me, too. Saving the page deletes the Title text (but not the Alt text) for some reason. But it seems it only happens to images added from the web (see As soon as I attached the image file to the page and applied the Title text, it stayed even after saving the page. Hope this helps.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 14, 2023

Hi Martin! 
Thank you for your response, it helps really well:)! 

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