How do I embed a scrollable powerpoint presentation?

Ally Lancaster February 21, 2024

Hello, I am able to embed a powerpoint presentation into a confluence page however this creates a vertical scroll box instead of a horizontal flip through which was the expected result.

Does anyone know how to change file preview so the next and back buttons are displayed (mentioned in confluence cloud document: here)  

Currently looks like this:

See vertical scroll bar created:

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 3.59.21 pm.png


Desired Result


2 answers

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Barbara Szczesniak
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February 22, 2024

@Ally Lancaster It's odd—when I insert an Office Powerpoint macro, my screen looks different than yours. I'm not sure what the cause of this is (I'm on Cloud Free plan) or if it has anything to do with the issue you are experiencing.

  1. Embeds the document in the page, rather than inserts interactive presentation
  2. I have the parameters mentioned on the page you linked to, no Slide Number parameter
  3. No Select macro link
  4. My preview just shows a broken page icon
  5. My buttons are in a different order than yours.


Ally Lancaster March 25, 2024

Hi Barbara, I don't have the slide number parameter either. The desired result image that I used are from one of the confluence documents. There is also this page here  

that states

Office PowerPoint

The Office PowerPoint macro displays your presentation in a viewer with next and back buttons, rather than showing a simple preview. 

Neither of us are getting the expected result unfortunately. 

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Pramodh M
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February 21, 2024

@Ally Lancaster 

While it may have been referred to when we are viewing it in the presentation mode.

We might have to go with an add-on here for a feature where it can have the next and back buttons on the page itself!

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