How do I disable confluence blogs from users' personal profile

Liam O'Neill
October 15, 2012

We don't want to launch our confluence intranet with blog capabilities, so I've disabled blog post permissions in all spaces.

However, users can still add a blog post from their personal spaces - is it possible to disable this feature?

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Giuliano C_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 15, 2012

You can disabel this feature through space by space basis, but you can use a standard template space and the Copy Space plugin to make the changes in every space.

To be updated and know which user have the permission, please, refer to the following SQL report:

select spaces.spacekey, spaces.spacename, spacepermissions.*
where spacepermissions.spaceid=spaces.spaceid
order by spaces.spacename

Also, there's a Javascript to disabel this function in the dashboard and all spaces. You can add it to your Confluence instance through Confluence Admin > Look and Feel > Custom HTML. Then paste the script at the end of the HEAD section. Please, refer to the following JS:


The scripts and the SQL report came from another answer. I didn't create the answer for you, just picked up some references form another question on atlassian.answers.

Hope it helps you.

Kind Regards

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