How can one fetch custom content changed since the given date

Kharitonov_ Mark January 7, 2025



I use CQL to fetch modified pages and blog posts. But according to CQL does not support the custom-content type and so the question begs itself - it there an efficient way to fetch modified custom content?

I am specifically interested in questions and answers.

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Manoj Gangwar
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January 13, 2025

Hi @Kharitonov_ Mark Welcome to the community!

You're correct that Confluence Query Language (CQL) doesn't directly support querying for custom content types using the type field. Custom content in Confluence refers to content created by apps or add-ons, and it’s not treated like standard pages, blog posts, or attachments.

As a workaround, you can use the Rest API.


Kharitonov_ Mark January 13, 2025

I must admit I am failing to see how can I use it to fetch custom content changed since the given date. 

Could you share a sample code?

Thank you.

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