How can i create a new project

Iria Piñeiro Fraga
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May 23, 2023

Good afternoon, 

I would like to create a new project in Jira/Confluence

To whom should i contact or how can i do it?

Many thanks


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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May 23, 2023

Hi @Iria Piñeiro Fraga and welcome to the community,

In Jira you have to have the "administer jira" global permission to create company managed project, and/or a jira administrator should have given the users the global permission to create Team Managed projects. If you can't do any of this, contact your IT, who should know who the jira admin is.

In confluence you can create a space if the necessary permission has been granted to you by the site admin. If enabled, you are eligible to create a personal space, and most likely this is automatically created by Confluence. Again, if you are not able to create any of these, then contact your IT, who should know who the jira admin is.

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