How can I remove unwanted lines from sections

Dave Puttock March 20, 2012

I've noticed that in Confluence 4.0 when I insert a section and some columns, the editor puts in a large number of unwanted empty lines. This is not the case in pages I created using wikimarkup

How can I remove them

This is what I see on the finished page, about 5 or 6 lines between, a line of text outside the section and the column title which is inside the section. Below this image is an image from the editor.

This is what the page looked like in the editor, and altough I can place a cursor between section and column headers I cannot remove any more lines

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Joerg Bencke
Rising Star
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March 20, 2012


dont know wether that is a feature or an issue, but its a fact ;) On 3.5, the Richtext Editor did similar stuff, which you could correct with Wiki-Markup view. For 4.0, you will have to wait until the "XHTML Sourcecode Editor" is available or for the RTE to get fixed. Did you check JIRA for issues along that line already ? If you find none, create an issue, vote for it and publish the link here so others can vote for fixing it, too.

Regards, Josh

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Atlassian Team
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March 30, 2012

Hi Dave - what version of Confluence 4 are your running? From memory this is a bug that was fixed.

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