How can I either prevent users from copying a page generated from a space template OR mark it?

Ann Knackstedt September 21, 2022

We are using a space template with workflow to allow users to create review requests.  The created review request page is taken through a workflow which is documented on the page with a page status macro that includes the status changes and comments provided by both reviewers and submitters.  This works great unless, instead of using the "create request" button to create a page using the template, a user copies the page - copying breaks all sorts of things on the page and copies the page status history from the copied page.  Is there a way to either prevent copying the page OR to automatically "stamp" the page in some way so that it is obvious to reviewers that the page has been copied?  (The problem with the copies is they often appear to be approved, when the approval is just a copy of another approved page.)

2 answers

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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September 21, 2022

Hi @Ann Knackstedt ,

unfortunately you can't avoid copy at all (if coming from template or from a blank page). You could avoid to write a page.


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 21, 2022

Hi @Ann Knackstedt 

Unfortunately there is no such functionality out of the box. You could try searching the marketplace for such an application, but to be honest I think it's going to be hard finding one.

Ann Knackstedt September 21, 2022

Thanks, Alex.

Do you know of any way to trigger an action to do something like display "COPY" on the page based on the PageCopyEvent or some such thing?

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 21, 2022

One way of preventing the copy page would be to remove that user's "Add page" persmission. 

To copy a page, you need permission to Add pages in the space. If you don't have the add permission, the Copy option won't appear in the menu.

To copy a page into a different space, you need permission to Add pages in both the origin space and the destination space.

Will the above work for you?

Kim Trask November 6, 2023

Similar to @Ann Knackstedt2022 question; I have a workflow that is contained within its own space (data center version). Users need to be able to create pages in this space, so they are permissioned to create pages; however "delete" is removed, because it is important that history is maintained for collaborative-flow purposes (each page is essentially a collaborative file cabinet for a specific scenario). What I cannot find a fix for is copying pages. I do not want to reconcile copies of pages within this space. And, the potentials for inefficiencies in managing copies of pages to other spaces is also bothersome. 

I would LOVE a space-level permission to dissallow copying pages.

Users are being instructed to use Iframe when they want to share a page's content to another space, because Iframe honors page permissions. But some of the users get creative sometimes... A guardrail would be nice.

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