How can I disable auto scroll when viewing a document?

Freddie Carthy September 3, 2020

Documents that have embedded images, google documents, etc will auto scroll to those elements as they load in. How can I prevent this from happening? It is incredibly frustrating to click on a comment notification, and as the page loads my document is scrolled all over the place and I'm unable to find the comment.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 7, 2020

Hello @Freddie Carthy !

I tried to replicate the behavior you have specified but was unable to. Here is what I see:


I also tried to replicate the issue by using a link that leads to a comment but the behavior was the expected one.

  1. With this in mind, I believe we could check a few things. Here we go:
  2. Is this happening with all pages that contain attachments?
  3. Is the linked comment an inline comment?
  4. Is this present regardless of the browser being used?

Let us hear from you.

Freddie Carthy September 7, 2020

Hmm. Certainly odd. To answer your questions:

- this happens with any documents we create, particularly with google drawings/diagrams attached.

- regardless of comments, this happens when navigating to the document even if we aren’t navigating to a comment.

- I see this happen largely on the latest Chrome and to everyone in my company.

Our documents are usually large, with a table of contents, many many sections, attachments, links, etc.

I will create a sample document and record a video of the experience.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 8, 2020

Thank you @Freddie Carthy ! This can certainly help us to understand what is happening.

Freddie Carthy September 8, 2020

@Diego you can see in my example here that shortly after the table of contents loads the page will jump down to the Google Document. This seems to be once the preview of the Google Document is loaded, which in this case is a Google Drawing. The drawing was added via the Google Docs macro, if that helps.

I am using macOS 10.15.6, Google Chrome Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit).


Freddie Carthy September 17, 2020

@Diego any updates on this?

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