How can I delete log from item if item is deleted?

S February 22, 2024

I was wondering how can I delete all the data stored in a form log once the item gets deleted from the form?

I have a table where I can input a part number, its description, quantity, location, etc. Then I created a form log that keeps track of every change done on that part number. If I change the qty or the location then the log will keep track of those changes using IFTTT Audit, similarly if a new part gets created. Like, it tracks every change on the table and displays it on another table. Now, my issue is that if you delete the part number from the 1st table, the form log does not disappear at all for that part. Is there a way to make sure that the log erases the data of the part, if the part no longer exists on the form?

*sorry the tables are a bit messy, I'm trying to test a lot of different features.

1st picture: table where items are added

2nd picture: records stored in the form (exactly same information as above)

3rd picture: form logimage.png

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 22, 2024


You can add an IFTTT macro into your original form that deletes records in the _log form set to execute on onDeleted event

The filter to delete will be 


Form name: myform_log


S February 22, 2024

Thank you! I added that but the myform_log is still full of that old data, even when I delete the part.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 22, 2024

Obviously, it will start to delete only the records that you will delete AFTER you have set up the rule to delete. All the other orphaned data you will need to delete yourself

S February 22, 2024

I understand, but that's kind of what I need. I can't find a way to delete the old data from the form log.

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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February 22, 2024

You will probably need to remove those rows manually (from a _log form)

S February 23, 2024

Is there a way to do so? There is no edit option on the form_log. Apologies for so many questions, this is all really new for me.


Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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February 23, 2024

You cannot do it via UI, sorry

it is either through the REST API or setting up a rule like I have explained earlier

S February 23, 2024

Thank you!

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