How can I change the showallusers.action in browse users to list 50 users at a time?

Richard Crane July 19, 2011

[The question pretty much says it all ...]

This for the Admin "Manage Users" screen.

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Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 19, 2011

You might just be limited by your Confluence version here. In newer versions, there's a setting in the UI to tweak this. From the documentation:

To specify how many results should be shown per page,

click a number '10', '20', '50' or '100' near the top of the page.

Richard Crane July 25, 2011

I know about the option on the Manage users page -- I want to change the default selection, which is 10, to 50.

Jeremy Largman
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 25, 2011

Ah ok, got it. If you don't want to change the source code or write a plugin, one way to hack your way through this would be to add a mod_rewrite rule that adds those parameters to your URL. Click on 20 or 50 and check the URL - you can add all those parameters when you hit the default path. Not ideal - ideally you'd write a plugin for this - but it'd be a lot easier, especially if you're already using Apache in front of Confluence.

Do you want to modify this in the code?

Richard Crane July 25, 2011

I don't mind editing the source -- just having trouble finding where (appears to be part of a pager routine used in various places).

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