Highlight or jump to search result on page

name March 22, 2012

Is there a way to either highlight a search result on the result page or jump to the part on the page containing to best result?

With highlighting I mean similiar to the google search.

I know, that the search result page is showing the pages and found key words, but I would be much more interested in the page I can find my key words on...

6 answers

4 votes
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March 27, 2012

I need the same feature. Currently there might be a workaround going via the search provider and using a 3rd party tool highlight the search key words, but I prefer to have a plugin within confluence or have this feature implemented directly into confluence.

If not, I guess we will develop a plugin for this (if possible).

name April 17, 2012

Hi ease,

did you find a way to realize this?

2 votes
I'm New Here
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May 27, 2016

even a simple p.m. wiki can do that.


atlassian, don't be lazy! 

1 vote
Caroline Browne
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January 20, 2015

I need the same feature. Is a third-party or Confluence plugin available yet?

1 vote
name July 24, 2012

Hi Matthew,

I would need highlightning on the result page, not on the "SERP".

Even better would be to direct the user to the part on a page, where the key words were found.

1 vote
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 27, 2012

I need the same feature. I am currently looking into using the search provider and a 3rd party tool/JS to highlight the search words, but it would be great if there is a confluence plugin for this.

0 votes
Matthew J. Horn
Rising Star
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July 23, 2012

What version of Confluence are you using? On 4.2.3, for example, the search term is highlighted on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) in bold.

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