Handling user and group migration when restoring spaces in Confluence Data Center without assigning

Khammampati Surendra October 21, 2024

We are migrating spaces from a source Confluence Data Center instance (via backup) to a target instance (via restore). However, we have noticed that individual users and groups associated with those spaces are not automatically created if they do not already exist in the target instance.



To work around this, we are currently using a Groovy script to retrieve users from the source instance and create them in the target instance. Since the password is a mandatory parameter for creating users, we are temporarily using the username as the password for testing purposes. However, in a real scenario, this is not viable since:

1. We do not know the users’ actual passwords.

2. Users need to log in using their existing passwords without us having to set or assign them during migration.


Is there a way to migrate or create users in the target instance such that they can log in using their actual password (from the source instance) without us manually setting a temporary password during the migration process?

 We are looking for a solution that avoids setting passwords for users during migration while still allowing them to authenticate seamlessly with their existing credentials.

And also where we can see the user in a Space


 • Confluence version: 8.5.xx

Deployment: Data Center

Migration method: Backup/Restore for spaces, Groovy script for users

User creation method: Groovy script using UserAccessor class

Looking forward to recommendations on the best approach to handle user and group migration without disrupting the user login experience.

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