Nicholas Wade
August 5, 2019

I want a set of images across the page in two rows of 4

The only way I can see to do this is inserting them in a table.

The side effects are:

  1. The images go to a default size dictated by the number of cells in the table
  2. The table borders cannot be hidden
  3. The size of the images in the table seems arbitrary - i.e. first cell small pic rest of the cells larger unless you add additional cells to 'squash' the cells and thus the images.
  4. The images cannot be aligned in the cell - they are by default in the center.
  5. The table cannot be centered on the page 

Anyway found a way around this? The table tool is truly awful.


1 answer

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Alex Sramek
February 21, 2024

This can apparently now be done (in Confluence Cloud) using Word Wrap.

For each image, click Wrap Left.

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