Guest access any restrictions?

Ben December 13, 2023


Let's say that there is a company that has 20 licensed users in Confluence Standard. These 20 people mainly fill 2 spaces: An internal space and an anonymous shared space for customers (FAQ etc).

If I understand it correctly, then one could create 100 (free) Guest users (20 x 5).

There are also 80 warehouse workers. These warehouse workers only need to have access to the internal space and check a few things there from time to time.

My question now is: Would it violate any rules or restrictions to give the 80 warehouse workers guest access (as they work in the same company as the 20 licensed users) or would that be ok?


Kind regards,


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Andy Gladstone
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December 13, 2023

@Ben your understanding is correct related the number of guests as compared to the number of licensed users.

Regarding adding users from the same company as guests, that is something that is a grey area. Based on Atlassian's Support Article about Confluence Guests here are their guidelines:


Important policy information
You may not convert current or former paid users to guests. The purpose behind the guest feature is to invite users outside of your organization.

Atlassian reserves the right to restrict your access to the feature if you’re not using it in compliance with this purpose and the guidelines outlined in Atlassian documentation. Atlassian also reserves the right to change the ratio of guests to paid users.

So, if the warehouse workers were ever licensed subscribers, you wouldn't be able to add them as guests. If they were never users in your instance, then it likely will fall into this grey area. If Atlassian detects that the Guest users are all in the same domain as the paid users, you'll likely get a message from them stating that the behavior is not in the spirit of the feature. 

I hope this helps.

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