Google drive video link does not work in iFrame macro.

Shiom Kumar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2023

When you place the URL in the iFrame macro, please ensure it has embedded properties. Example: 

For Google Drive, video play/access URLs will not have embedded properties.

You must navigate to "embed items" to get the correct URL.

Exact steps:

  1. Open Google Drive
  2. Find the Video file
  3. Set Share Setting to Public on Web
  4. Click to Open.
  5. Click the "More Actions" icon (3 vertical Dots) upper right corner
  6. Select "Open in New Window"
  7. Click "More Actions" and Select Embed item

  8. Copy source URL i.e. src="COPYME"
    embed code.png
  9. Use the URL in your iFrame macro. 

Also, if you are using a video from any other platform like YouTube, dropbox, etc., make sure you use the URL with embed properties. 


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