Google Document or Equivalent

Austin Suchoval June 13, 2018


One of the ways we are using Confluence internally is for a one stop shop products knowledge base.  Our customer service, social media and sales reps currently ask questions into a group channel chat (SLACK), when we need our product team to weigh in.  

We are going to transition this process to using Questions for Confluence.  However, we need a working 'google doc' like solution to discuss the questions that get asked among the expert community before we publish the responses back in the questions forum.

Aside from a 'locked' blank page, does anyone have any suggestions or macros that would mirror a google-doc like page? 


A new but eagerly learning confluence admin/user

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 15, 2018

Hi Austin,

Can you let me know what you mean by a Google Doc-like page? When I think Google Docs I think of the collaborative editing feature which is already available in Confluence.

Let me know how you want it to look and work exactly.


Austin Suchoval June 15, 2018

Hi Shannon,

Thus far we have been using  templates for our confluence pages such as meeting notes, how-to-guides and troubleshooting, etc.  

In this use case we have multiple questions we are researching at one time and multiple contributors working on editing the content.  Right now as those questions come in, we are posting them to a google document and multiple people are contributing/editing.   

There are multiple questions being worked on at once.  

I'm curious of the best way organize this (template?) in Confluence, rather than just use a blank page and copy in the content from the google doc.

Hope this makes sense.  


Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 15, 2018

Hi Austin,

Confluence's collaborative editing works in the same way, so wouldn't you be able to post the question onto the Confluence document instead and allow the users to edit that? Is there a specific about Confluence's editing that won't work for your usage case? 

For more information on that feature, have a look at the following blog and support article:



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