Google Analytics tags for OnDemand intances

Emma Run Bjarnadottir June 2, 2013


Do I understand correctly that there are Google Analytics tags for OnDemand intances, but that they are only for Atlassian to use?

Reading through this answer and then the documentaiton on creating a knowledge base, one gets confused... Can others than Atlassian use Google Analytics for OnDemand intances?

Best regards,

Emma Rún

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Michael Knight
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 3, 2013

Do I understand correctly that there are Google Analytics tags for OnDemand intances, but that they are only for Atlassian to use?

Yes, that's correct.

Reading through this answer and then the documentaiton on creating a knowledge base, one gets confused... Can others than Atlassian use Google Analytics for OnDemand intances?

The page you linked has a line under the heading stating:

The information in this step does not apply to Confluence OnDemand.

OnDemand doesn't allow the entering of arbitrary HTML/JavaScript for security reasons, so it's not possible to place your own Google Analytics code in there.

Emma Run Bjarnadottir June 18, 2013

Thanks, but do you have any plan of changing this? Will users of Confluence OnDemand not be able to do any analytics in the near future?

Harry Chan
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 18, 2013

I would go to and check / raise a feature request if you need this. Meanwhile, if this feature is important, probably best to go self and/or 3rd party hosted Confluence.

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