Getting error while trying to copy page tree from one space to another confluence space.

Krishna Chaitanya Karyampudi
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August 29, 2018

I am trying to copy the entire page tree from one confluence space to another space which I can achieve using 'copy page tree' plug-in. But I am getting the below error : 'An unexpected error occurred : a page may already exist with an identical title'.

But, the target space does not have any page. To replicate this, I created a new blank space and then tried copying the page tree into the newly created space. Even now, I am getting the same error.

Please help.

2 answers

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Krisztian Kovacs
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August 30, 2018

Hi @Krishna Chaitanya Karyampudi

have you tried to do copy the pages to a test space?

And then maybe try to copy them from that test space to your initial goal space.

Also check for illegal characters in titles. That could cause a problem (though Confluence shouldn't allow that to happen in the first place).

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Dave Bosman [Realdolmen]
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August 29, 2018

Hi @Krishna Chaitanya Karyampudi

Every space has at least 1 page, The homepage!

What is the name of your homepage on the new space? 

Does that name exist in the page tree you are trying to copy?



Krishna Chaitanya Karyampudi
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August 29, 2018

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the reply.

I do not see any homepage created on the new space. Moreover, I tried copying the page tree using the suffix (copy) so that the title of every page created on new space will be suffixed with copy which means I can avoid duplicates. Still same error.


Krishna Chaitanya K

Rachel McLane
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October 25, 2018

This happens to me all the time and is so frustrating! You have to delete all the pages it did create before it errors, but once those are cleaned up, I have found that copying the page tree again later works. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts though... like right now I am trying for the fourth time. 

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