For Issue Type Change Request how to add boards

Ram September 21, 2021

For Issue Type Change Request how to add boards in the drop down list for projects when filling in the QG Release Type as project.CR.png 

2 answers

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Alan Stephenson
Rising Star
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September 21, 2021

As what the other person posted, need more info. Boards are just a view of the tickets in the project, and defined by a jql query. The issue screen doesn’t have any reference to boards. 

this is the confluence channel and your screen is a jira screen. 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 21, 2021

This question is very hard to try to answer because it is not clear on what the problem is.

The screen-shot is of a working "create issue" screen, with a highlight on a (custom) cascading select field.

This has nothing to do with issue types (other than the issue type defining what fields to ask for), and even less to do with boards.

Could you explain the problem more please?

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