File size limitation for storage in Confluence

Ma. Rowena D. Sta. Clara March 31, 2022

We are already moving our documentations to Confluence to have a centralized database. As we move more files, we would like to know if there are file size limitations which will affect the system's processing time. We would appreciate answers from the community. Thanks

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Andy Gladstone
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March 31, 2022

@Ma. Rowena D. Sta. Clara your admin has access to change the maximum file size allowed for uploads to Confluence, so in essence there is no limit on the individual file sizes.

However, Confluence is not meant to be a centralized documentation storage platform. Depending on the version you are on, there is an upper limit on the total storage.

  • Free: 2GB
  • Standard: 250GB
  • Premium: Unlimited
  • Enterprise: Unlimited

As your instance grows, there will be some latency in responsiveness the larger the instance becomes. However, I have never heard of any companies that have been using Premium or Enterprise where the storage base is so large that it has affected functionality - so there isn't much to worry about there.

Ma. Rowena D. Sta. Clara March 31, 2022

Thanks Andy for the quick response. 

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