Export Drafts to Word from preview

ATS Team _ BASF February 9, 2022


we are storing official documents in a Confluence space and as part of a preview process would like to export a Draft version of an edited page to Word (as seen in the preview). The other stakeholders do not have a licence so giving them edit permissions is not an option. Also it can not be published since it is not reviewed yet.

I am aware of some workarounds such as creating a restricted copy of that page (with up to 1000 documents would be a huge mess), printing the preview as pdf from the explorer (this cant be the solution and also we need Word) and buying workflow add ons (extra costs and more complicated than needed).

Does anyone know a solution for this/ is there an option available soon, since it should not be to hard to implement this from my perspective.

Best regards


2 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 9, 2022

Drafts are drafts, they are not intended to be published in any way.

Your only solutions are:

  • Use it as intended - publish and ask people to review (with a limited audience)
  • Copy the draft text out, and paste it into something
2 votes
Bill Bailey
Rising Star
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February 9, 2022

To do even close to you want means purchasing an add-on to implement a workflow that keeps documents in a draft state that is not visible until it is published. You would need something like comala-document-management . Yes it is not cheap, but when you figure how much time it could save in your process versus trying to grant licenses so lots of other stakeholders .....

Otherwise, what @Nic Brough -Adaptavist-  has posted is the answer if you want what is built in.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 9, 2022

It is possible to do a bit with page restrictions in the core product - put a restriction on the page when you create it, removing it to "publish", but that's very simple, and Comala is a far more sophisticated publishing tool.

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