Excel macro does not have the possiblitiy to specify wich tab to show

Erik Mathijs
March 4, 2022

I am exploring clonfluence cloud.

At this moment our company is not migrated from server to cloud.

I see that the "excel macro" has not

- the possibility to set the excel page to display

- no EDIT link, so you can open the file in Microsoft Excel

This features are present in our server instance, so when we migrate to cloud, many users wil be disappointed :(

Are there possibilities to enable this features in cloud ?

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Andy Gladstone
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March 4, 2022

@Erik Mathijs you are correct. On Cloud you cannot specify which tab is displayed in an Excel Macro embed - it will always be the active tab when you uploaded the document. The Excel Macro is display only, not a tool to edit the file live within Confluence.

There are Marketplace apps that will allow both of these actions, but not natively built into Confluence Cloud.

Erik Mathijs
March 4, 2022

@Andy Gladstone 

Thanks for feedback and no hard feelings to you ;)

I have to explain this to our Atlassian users in our company.

At this moment they can edit and specify with tab is visible in the excel macro on our server instance.

For me  loosing functionalities does not give a good feeling.

I'm a real Atlassian evangelist in our company, and promised our users they will get nice features in cloud. But on some facets they will be disapointed.

Erik Mathijs
March 4, 2022

@Andy Gladstone 

Do you have any suggestion for a app wich will give the possibilities wich are now present in our server instance ?

We need:

- preview of microsoft attachments

- for excel: specify wich tab to show in the confluence page

- possibility to Edit (button or link)

Thanks in advance for your advice ! 

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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March 4, 2022

Based on your requirements, I think that Elements Spreadsheet for Confluence is the most likely option. It has a free demo option you may want to install in a Cloud instance and play with. 

Laura Campbell _Seibert Group_
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March 4, 2022

Thanks for the recommendation @Andy Gladstone !

@Erik Mathijs As mentioned, you can configure which (if any) of the tabs of your spreadsheet are displayed on the Confluence page with Elements Spreadsheet.

To be transparent, Elements Spreadsheet doesn't do everything Excel does, but since you mention not wanting your users to lose functionality, would you be open to explaining to our Product Manager what those critical Excel features are? We have a bunch of improvements in the pipe, and we'd love get your input for our prioritization.

You can pick a time that works for you here: https://calendly.com/vanthika-yos/30min

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