Event handler stopped working

Mordechai Cikk October 24, 2017

We have an event handler that listens for a specific Label created and does some processing.

It was working yesterday  but today is not working any more. No changes were made to it.

But Confluence was restarted.

The following error shows in the log:

2017-10-24 11:48:15,486 ERROR [http-nio-8090-exec-9] [onresolve.scriptrunner.confluence.InnerListener] call Event handler failed: event: com.atlassian.confluence.event.events.label.LabelCreateEvent file:  ....  java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'title' on null object

Looking for some direction.

Could this be a system problem?




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Brant Schroeder
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August 23, 2024

@Mordechai Cikk Was scriptrunner updated?  Have you tried rewriting the script and testing it?  

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