Error with pdf macro

valerian Baillet August 2, 2018


I use the macro pdf for my pdf file in confluence. But sometimes I had a wrong view with the macro. I attached a file to show the problem.

I see some topics on this subject but haven't see some good answers. The differents pdf (good or bad) have the same versions and the same size so the probelm is not here.


Somebody have an idea?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2018

Hi Valerian,

I understand some .pdf files do not render as expected using the pdf macro in Confluence. The symptoms you are experiencing are similar to the issue described in: Confluence UI shows garbled or corrupt text on CAPTCHA, macros and/or diagrams due to missing fonts

Questions to ask for diagnosis are:

  • Did you upgrade Confluence Server recently to a new version?
  • Are you running an older version of a Linux distribution that is behind current release cycle (possibly more than 3+ years old)?



valerian Baillet August 6, 2018

Ok, I will see this 


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