Error when trying edit

Isabel Fonseca
Rising Star
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May 22, 2024


From confluence production datacenter 7.13.7, was created a clone confluence tests.

On the test machine, as it came with production configurations, it was necessary to change 2 files:



In confluence tests, we can create a child page with success.

But , when we trying edit an page that already exists, appears an impediment errors: "Something went wrong after loading the editor. Copy your unsaved changes and refresh the page to keep editing."



What can we do?

Best Regards,

Isabel Fonseca

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Rilwan Ahmed
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May 22, 2024

Hi @Isabel Fonseca ,

As you have created clone of production, Please do the following

  1. Make sure you have directed test server to test DB and not prod DB in confluence.cfg.xml
  2. Start reindex from scratch as mentioned in 
  3. After reindex, try the action and check atlassian-confluence.log file for any errors. 

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