Error on Confluence startup

Brent Horine
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July 19, 2011


We have installed Jira and are now installing confluence. JDK is installed, JAVA_HOME is set to c:\Progra~1....

Upon starting startup.bat, it starts, but when trying to startup confluence server we get the error

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.



note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.32 logs.

4 answers

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Rising Star
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June 10, 2013

Sometimes the fix is just restart the application or clean and rebuild the bundled plugin directories. However to better investigate this problem is necessary to analyze the log.

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Richard Yale
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July 19, 2011

To me this is saying that there was an error during setup because the variable isSetupComplete is Null. I would suggest trying to install Confluence again following all of the installation steps to a T.

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Azwandi Mohd Aris
Rising Star
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July 19, 2011

In case you need some help to find the log file, try this doc

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Colin Goudie
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 19, 2011

We'll need some more information. Can you provide full exceptions from the logs in your confluence home?

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