Enable dark mode for individual users

rbuchhol May 27, 2024

The first Google result when looking for per-user settings for Confluence dark mode is https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/Change-confluence-to-dark-theme-only-for-myself-not-the-whole/qaq-p/1721310 , which states that there is no such option. This response

  1. is no longer valid, as indicated by https://community.atlassian.com/t5/App-Central/How-to-use-Confluence-s-dark-mode-and-create-dark-mode-friendly/ba-p/2529756 .
  2. cannot be updated/responded to, because the moderators have marked the whole question thread as read-only.

2 answers

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Andy Gladstone
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May 28, 2024

@rbuchhol I think that there is some confusion here. The post you initially link to is related to an Atlassian Marketplace App that provides Dark Themes for Confluence. Dark Mode for Confluence was released in the native Confluence application after that post, in 2023. 

If you wanted an overview of Dark Mode in Confluence, check out this video on YouTube:


I hope this clarifies the issue for you. 

rbuchhol May 28, 2024

That's not true. The initial post I linked to simply asks how to enable dark mode in Confluence (per user) in general . It then goes on to explain that the only solution they found at that time was that market place app, and is then (impolitely) asking for a better solution.

I'm not complaining about that post - it is correctly stating the situation at that time. What I'm complaining about is that while that post is no longer valid, the lock that the community moderators put in place on that thread prevents people from updating the answers on that thread to reflect the new (and improved) reality - and all that when that (now misleading) post is still the first Google result when searching for dark mode in Confluence.

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Pavel Junek
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May 27, 2024

Hi @rbuchhol,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Have you tried switching under your profile? How to use Confluence's dark mode 


rbuchhol May 27, 2024

I don't understand how that reply related to this topic.

Pavel Junek
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May 28, 2024

OK, but I don't understand what exactly is the question?

rbuchhol May 28, 2024

The questions is: why is the top (according to Google) question about Dark Mode in this support forum

  1. outdated, and
  2. locked so that nobody can update it?

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