Embedding Media in Confluence page - WMV files not working on Chrome or FireFox with multimedia macro

Martin Cooper
Rising Star
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July 17, 2011

Has anybody else experienced issues with this?

Add a a wmv file as an attachment and use the multimedia macro to display it on the wiki page.

IE 9 shows the windows media player control and plays the video

Chrome - shows the windows media player control, says connecting to media then just goes back to ready :(

Firefox - does the same as Chrome

Tried on on Confluence 3.5.7 and 4.0m-27 and from different machines and different wmv files.

Get same result if add a link to the file which tries to open in full window. Is this a confluence, WMV, or browser problem?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 5, 2012
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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 5, 2012

I believe this is not a Confluence issue but rather a "browser video support issue"; google "mp4 does not play in different browsers" or similar you will find a lot of issues related to generic browser support for the different video formats.

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Daniel Zhao
I'm New Here
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September 30, 2011

I have the same problem with wmv and mp4 on my wiki too!

Michael Roff
Rising Star
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May 15, 2012

I have similar problems. Also with .avi files.

Has there been any solution provided from Atlassian on this?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 5, 2012

I see the same issue with mp4 on Firefox 16.0.2. Did anyone raise a ticket with Atlassian on this?

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Atlassian Team
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July 18, 2011

For an issue such as this I would suggest opening a support ticket at support.atlassian.com

Martin Cooper
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 18, 2011

Will do, just wanted to get a feel if this was a generic or specific issue

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David at David Simpson Apps
Marketplace Partner
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July 17, 2011

I've noticed this to be a little flakey for .mov & .mp4 files on some different browsers also.

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