Editing the retrospective template breaks auto-filing page properties

Aaron Huus
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September 11, 2020

I have edited the template for a retrospective, and now the 'Date', 'Team', and 'Participants' are no longer auto-populating based on the information provided from the user in the 'Run a Retrospective' pop-up. At first, I thought this may have been something specific to my template changes that may have broken this, but I can reproduce this issue by resetting the template to default, then clicking edit and immediately clicking save (making no changes).  In doing so, this also breaks the ability for that first pop-up where you provide team and participants from auto-filling in the page properties section in the template.  Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 15, 2020

Hello @Aaron Huus !

The behavior you noticed is indeed a known one. It has been filed as a bug under this report:

The only workaround that puts those fields into working condition again the reverting the page edits, even if you added or removed no data from the template.

Currently, the best course of action is to vote and watch the report. Voting helps to increase the report visibility and watching it will keep you up to date with everything posted there.

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