Editing the main page from a different user

David Thirlway
I'm New Here
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August 13, 2018


I've found an anomalous feature when you edit a page as a different user. When it is saved for the changes, it creates two pages for some odd reason. One for the Main page edited by the page author and one page edited by the user.

When I try and delete the page that was edited by the user, it deletes the page by the user AND the main page by the author.

2 pages.PNG

Is this a bug or Confluence does this and is there a way to turn this off?


Our confluence build is 6.10.0


Thank you


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2018

Hi David,

That doesn't appear to be a separate page but from some section such as "recent updates" showing that the page was updated. It is, in fact, the same page.

Actually, Confluence doesn't allow two pages to have the same title, so I believe this is likely what you're seeing.

Could you tell me where you obtained the screenshot?



David Thirlway
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 14, 2018

Hi Shannon,


I got the screenshot from this:

2 pages.PNG


I now understand that when the user edits the page as a different user, it will "create" a page edited by the user as well as updating the "actual" page created by the author. I also understand that "Recently Updated" is a feature in Confluence.


But now we would like to know if there is a way to change "Recently Updated" into something else on the page section (i.e. show current pages created instead).


Thank you

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 15, 2018

Hi David,

When you edit an existing page in Confluence, it only temporarily creates a draft (regardless if you are the original author or not). Once you save the draft, it directly updates the original and removes the draft. So at no point will it create a separate page.

The "pages" you are seeing on the list of the Recently Updated macro are not pages persée, but rather "entries". In your example, the first entry is letting us know that the user admin has updated the page called Upgrading Demo/Production. I can't see the contents of the second entry, but my assumption is that it probably says something like user x created the page called Upgrading Demo/Production.

Unfortunately it's not possible to hide these updates from the Recently Updated macro but you could easily create your own homepage and include the Page Tree Macro. With this, you could sort by "date modified" and it will only show one entry per page.

For setting a homepage, review the following:



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