Editing team calendar title

Dave Stewart September 17, 2014


We have Team Calendars install and I believe I have full access as I am able to change permissions, create, delete and remove calendars, as well as change events.  However, when I select the edit option on a calendar and go to the general tab I am unable to edit the title, although the documentation says I should be able to do this.  I have had another colleague who is an administrator try and he experienced the same problem.  I can select the text but can not replace it.  Please advise.



2 answers

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Dave Stewart September 17, 2014

Yes I am trying to change the calendar’s name.


We are running the most recent version of the calendar 5.0.5; Confluence is 5.4.4


It’s difficult to provide a screen shot.  I have included three to show the process I use to get to the screen.  In the final screen, I can make the cursor appear in the text but I cannot use it to do anything.  If I press the backspace key, the browser goes to the previous page.

Cal Title Edit 1.jpgCal Title Edit 2.jpg 

Cal Title Edit 3.jpg





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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 17, 2014

Hello Dave,


As I could understand you are trying to change the calendar's name, right? If so, yes you should be able to do so.


May I ask you which version of Team Calendars you are currently using? Also, please let me know which Confluence version you're running as well.


Can you also attach a screenshot of the behaviour to this ticket?


Best regards,

Eduardo Mallmann
Atlassian Support

Dave Stewart January 15, 2015

Eduardo, I have supplied to screen shots but not heard back from you. The request to make the calendar name change has come again. Can you advise me please?

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