Editable comments in pictures possible?

Marko Bozic
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August 18, 2020

Hello everyone,

I am a beginner in working with Atlassian and recently started to build in-picture How-to instructions for several processes. Therefore I use screenshots and add comments to these pictures. 

My current problem is that if there is a slightly change on a process, I need to take a new Screenshot and add a comment before replacing the old one. This is a lot of maintenance, especially when this new comment has an impact on the other pictures either.

Is there an easier way to insert comments directly into a picture which can be edit afterwards?

Thank you very much for you suggestions!! 


Best regards from Zurich, 


2 answers

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 21, 2020

Hi Marko,

Thanks for raising this question with us.

It sounds like you want to put your instructions straight onto the image, which would generally require an annotation or image editing program. It's not something you would be able to do in Confluence without an add-on.

You could use something like a 3rd-party add-on that allows you to annotate images in Confluence. See Image annotation add-ons for Confluence Cloud in Atlassian Marketplace. These apps would allow you to annotate within the app and automatically upload the changes.

I hope that helps you, but let me know if you have any questions about it!

Take care,


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 18, 2020

The easy way is to place your picture in a table 1 column 2 lines. The upper table cell holds the picture the lower one holds your description. 
The more expensive way is to use some external software like Photoshop (most expensive and way over your goal) or Snagit (nice price and it should suit your needs). These programs allow non destructive editing. So you can place text on top of the picture and move it around or change it later. Of course you have to keep this raw material and upload a “flat” JPEG to Confluence. Snagit keeps track of all you screenshots and collects them in a searchable library forever. Give it a try. 

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