Dynamically retrieve Fix Version Information to populate Confiform field

Hanyu Huang November 1, 2023


Hope you are doing well. I was asked to create a Confiform that creates new Jira issues. The form should have a dropdown select field that allows users to select from a list of existing Fix Version/Release of a project. The Release Date should automatically be mapped to the Jira issue's end date.

I was told that because the Fix Version information are still being updated (e.g., new releases, renames, new dates, etc.), the Confiform should dynamically retrieve the latest Fix Version information and populate the dropdown field with this information when a user fills out the form. The user should see the latest selection of Fix Versions to select. When the user submits the form, Confiform creates a Jira issue with the selected Fix Version and the corresponding Release Date as the issue's End Date.

I have been unable to find any guidance on how to automatically retrieve the Fix Version information and populate a Confiform field. Please let me know if there is a way of doing what was asked.

Thank you.


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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November 1, 2023

Hi @Hanyu Huang and welcome to this community

You can set up ConfiForms field to read values directly from Jira - an example on how to approach that could be found here https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/TEST/Building+a+dropdown+field+in+ConfiForms+backed+by+webservice+call+to+Jira+Rest+API+-+createmeta


Hanyu Huang November 2, 2023

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your help. It appears that our organization does not allow non-administrators access to the webservice function. We are not allowed access to the Atlassian Marketplace either. Is there a way to achieving the goal of retrieving Jira project information only with the default fields available?

Thank you. 

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 2, 2023

You will need to create a web-service connection (it could still use the application links as auth method)

You can open a support ticket with us at https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/VERTUNA/Support+Request+Form

and we can discuss this with your administrators (there is literally nothing to worry and nothing "more" to "open")


Hanyu Huang November 17, 2023

Hi Alex,

Sorry for the late response. I got the reply from my company's Confluence support team that this ask is impossible because how locked down our Confluence and Jira are. Thank you for your help and understanding.

Yours Sincerely,

Hanyu Huang

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