Dynamic Dates

Richard Mills
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August 19, 2020

I've got a page that details tasks coming up, broken down by weeks, and whilst I can create a JIRA query for each week that uses STARTofWEKK(1/2w etc) to make each week dynamic, I can't seem to find a way to set the title for that week dynamically.  Insert date appears to only work based upon the current date, so l don't think it can do it. Setting the title to "This week" "Next week" "2 Weeks" etc doesn't feel very user friendly.



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Ste Wright
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August 19, 2020

Hi @Richard Mills 

What are you trying to title with the week? 

Is it the page? Or the filter?


Richard Mills
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 19, 2020

We currently have a series of panels that have the title set manually, "17th - 23rd August" for example. I'd be happy to lift the JIRA outside of these panels and have a title that just said Week commencing "17th August" (for example) if it could roll forward to be 24th August next week like the results from the JIRA query will. 

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