Draft Duplicate Bug

Tobias Schweiger March 4, 2024

Only in my confluence account, a page that I own was automatically duplicated as a draft. The problem is, although it appears that I am the owner of the draft, I dont have any access to it. This means I cant edit the draft, look at the content or even delete it. The draft has the same title as the page I believe was duplicated.

How can I solve this? Is there any way to delete this draft even if I dont have access to it despite being the owner? image_480.pngimage_720.png

4 answers

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Mac McCardle July 17, 2024

Interesting, we're affected by this too. I've raised a request with Atlassian as it looks like we're unable to resolve it as org-admins.

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Christina Weiner
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June 26, 2024

Hi, I have the same issue and checked with our Atlassian main person from my company and we are not able to get rid of in total 3 of these buggy draft pages. Pages have different page IDs but same names, everything always links me back to the original public page but that draft I cannot get rid of... I will create a Support ticket now as we are out of ideas.

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Sarah Ni Riain April 10, 2024

I am having the same issue. Potentially due to linking to these pages as a field in a confluence database?

0 votes
Tobias Schweiger March 4, 2024


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