I'm trying to run a dockerized confluence, and the first couple of times I ran docker-compose, it spun up fine, but now I keep getting the following error from http://localhost:8080/bootstrap/selectsetupstep.action. I've tried several different tags, but they all result in the same. the docker-compose.yml is very simple:
version: '3'
image: atlassian/confluence:latest
# image: atlassian/confluence-server:7.15.3-ubuntu-jdk11
container_name: confluence
- CONFLUENCE_HOME=/opt/confluence
# - CONFLUENCE_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/confluencedb
Error page:
A system error has occurred — our apologies!
For immediate troubleshooting, consult our knowledge base for a solution.
If you would like to receive support from Atlassian's support team, ask your Confluence administrator to create a support issue on Atlassian's support system with the following information:
a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred
a copy of the error and system information found below
a copy of the application logs (if possible).
Your Confluence administrator can use the support request form to create a support ticket which will include this information.
We will respond as promptly as possible.
Thank you!
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The SystemInformationService could not be retrieved from the container. Therefore very limited information is available in this error report.
The SystemInformationService could not be retrieved due to the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Spring Application context has not been set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container is not setup
Container is not setup
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