Displaying JIRA custom field values as links on Confluence pages

Michael Bernhard
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February 22, 2016

Hi Andrey,

We are using Query Issues Custom Fields in our JIRA and we love it. smile

There is just one little thing that would make us even happier:
Our JIRA issues are connected to Confluence pages. On these Confluence pages we are using the JIRA Macro to display JIRA field content in table forms, e.g. issues that we linked with your add-on.

So far so good, now it would be great if we could display this content as links and not plain text.

Do I just miss where to put the right setting or is that a great functionality that could be added to your add-on?

Thanks a lot and best regards,


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Michael Bernhard (privat)
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 14, 2016

Andrey, I haven't received any reply on this. Can you please look into it?

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