Different person's name appeared when changed user name

M_ Hoshi
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July 17, 2024

Sorry the screen shot is in Japanese.

My colleague was trying to change his user name by accessing the Account Management page. He entered his name in alphabet, and clicked the check button.

For some reason, completely different person's name appeared, and is written in Kanji.

We don't know who this person is. Is this a cache problem?

What possible causes are considered? 

image (2).pngタイトルなし.png


What possible causes are considered?

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rory foster
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 17, 2024

I was actually reading your article and found some really interesting information. The thing is quite clear that I just want to thank for it.

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