Developing confluence pages

Cherry Cwalina
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January 15, 2025

My confluence version is in my work site.

I'm trying to 'beautify' and upgrade my confluence page.

I see on youtube tutorials that there's a built-in template confluence offers but I don't see that feature in my confluence page. There is also an option for 'header image' that I see on the tutorial video that I don't see.

How do I get this installed in my version of confluence? 

Our confluence admins don't seem to have a clue.

Thank you so much for your help.

Cherry Cwalina

2 answers

2 votes
Kristian Klima
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January 15, 2025

Hi @Cherry Cwalina and welcome to the Community.

Your options would depend on what Confluence type you have.

You can have a Data Center version, or a Cloud version. Now, based on '

There is also an option for 'header image' that I see on the tutorial video that I don't see'

you are Data Center. But I admit that's just a deduction.


Anyway, on Data Center Confluence, you can modify the overall CSS or use an app such as Scroll Viewport by k15t which will completely change the look and feel of your Confluence site (while it can also add more features).


If you are on Cloud, you have to use an app - the aforementioned Scroll Viewport will work too. For example, this is my company documentation site built from Confluence content using Viewport - 

Other than that, you can use a theme app that, modifies the look and feel of your site. Examples include Spacecraft by Seibert Group ( @Angela Thomas_Seibert Group will tell you more), Refined by Refined, ...

0 votes
Angela Thomas_Seibert Group
Atlassian Partner
January 15, 2025

Hey @Cherry Cwalina , from the tags, I am unsure if you use Confluence Cloud or Data Center. Can you specify?

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