Design of UI Tabs changes

Sofia Hassiotaki
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February 12, 2021

Hi all! 

I used the UI Tabs Macro and it works fine. But sometimes, when I reload the page, the tabs just change to a different design (see picture), This happens regardless of the navigation bar being expanded or not. 

Did someone else ecounter this? I actually like this design more and would like to use this one. 

Thanks in advance!


2 answers

1 vote
Mel DuPont January 20, 2022

I have the same problem - a page I was editing today switched from the expected tabbed presentation to the unexpected capsule presentation.

It's probably on Refined to fix it with Atlassian's help. My Confluence admin says it's a known bug. I'll just set my users' expectations and hope the problem gets fixed!

Emily Wagoner
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December 20, 2022

We have this problem as well. Some see as tabs, some see as bubbles/capsules.  

Upvoting this for a Refined Toolkit fix!

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Michael Arnold
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July 9, 2021

Not to necro this post, but this is the only mention so far of this alternative tab design that I've found after searching online. That bubble design currently appears on one of my pages but I can't seem to replicate it on other pages. I'm curious to learn what triggered it or if there is a way to adjust the settings for the UI Tabs macro.

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