Delete permissions at certain point in heirarchy

Craig Traynor January 16, 2019



Is there any way to give a user or group of users permission to delete pages at a certain level in the heirarchy?


We have a department with joint pages that multiple teams share as well as team specific pages. Ideally want to give teams full control over the files that are just for them and only admins can delete the shared pages.


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Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

Hello @Craig Traynor,

try to use "Page restrictions" and restrict all the pages that are shared among other teams or departement to "View only".

Best regards,


Craig Traynor January 16, 2019

Editting isn't the issue. My issue is that I want to allow teams to delete their own pages.

Jakub Hanak
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 16, 2019

Then in "Spac permissions" you can allow them to delete own and not anything else. 


Craig Traynor January 16, 2019

This only works for pages the individual user has created. It doesn't allow a team to do it for a group of pages.

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