Decisions Blueprint - can the assignee with "view only" access edit the decision page?

stanley stanley
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November 5, 2018


I'm currently experimenting with "Decision" blueprint, and I want to ask some pretty basic questions.

Here I have created a new decision page (approval) and assigned the task of decision making to @[deleted].

Once the task assignment is done, I notice @[deleted] will only be able to make the decision (by updating the "outcome" field) by editing the page (via Edit button on top right).

1) Is there a way to allow the assignee (@Test Account) to edit the page without giving him the access right to edit the page? 

2) Secondly, is there a way to change the status of the Approval (from "Not Started") without allowing the assignee to edit it using edit page functionality?

Screen Shot 2018-11-06 at 14.20.31.png

Many thanks in advance.







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