Decision log table

Marian Corpus
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January 15, 2023

Hi there, 

Is there a way to add the title of a decision (ex. text in 'Row' column) to the Decision log page? For instance, I created a page "MC - 1" with a Decision table like the following (Image A): 

(Image A)

decision table_1.png 


In my Decision Report log, I want to be able to transfer the text/label under my left column, labeled 'Row', along with the Decision log column in the table (Image B) below: 

(Image B)

Decision log_2.png

The table only carries over the 'Page title' and 'Decision' but is there a way to populate the rest of the text/label in other columns? Is there a macro or SQL function I can use?


Please let me know, thank you! 

1 answer

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Katerina Rudkovskaya _Stiltsoft_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 16, 2023

Hi @Marian Corpus,

If your company uses our Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app, you may use the Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include macros as a workaround.Wrap your tables with decisions in the Table Excerpt macros and collect them into one big report with the help of the Table Excerpt Include macro. Choose to show the Page title via the macro meta data.The only disadvantage is that your decisions will be transformed into bullet lists. But still this workaround may help your case.

Marian Corpus
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 16, 2023

I do not have access to that app unfortunately. 

Is there another way to do this with the Decision report table already created? Also, I want not only to pull the 'Page Title' but the text associated in the left column labeled "Row". In this case: 'A, B, C' to populate over to my Decision report log. 

decision table_1.png

Katerina Rudkovskaya _Stiltsoft_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 17, 2023

Hi @Marian Corpus,

If you don't need to pull the Page Title, you may use the standard Excerpt/Excerpt Include macros as a similar workaround to the one described in my answer.
Otherwise, I don't have any other ideas to implement your case.

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