Database date field imports different date

Damian Clarke
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July 19, 2024

I've got a .csv file with a list of data including dates starting 2024 July 01. When I import, or copy and paste into a Confluence database, 1 day is taken off each date, so the data loads starting on 2024 June 30. What am I doing wrong?

I have checked my data in notepad and it's definitely a date, correctly showing from July 1st, with the format "2024-Jul-01" (I did this to get around the problem of 01-07-2024 (1st July in UK format) showing as 7th January. But nowhere in my data is June event mentioned!


On a side note, is there a way to import users from a csv into a user field into Confluence Databases? I've tried their names, and their names prefixed with @ and nothing seems to work!

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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July 19, 2024

Hi @Damian Clarke 

I tried to reproduce this, but wasn't able to.

I created a small csv file and was able to import it w/o is mucking with the dates. Hate to use this phrase, but "it worked on my desktop."

Maybe if you walk us thru how you have the DB set up and how you are importing it we can help find the problem.

As far as importing user mentions into a DB, I don't know a way off the top of my head, but I'll play with it and get back if I figure it out.

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