Dashboard displaying items blocked by or Blocks

Lee Street August 26, 2024

I want to be able to show in a simple dashboard if an items is blocked or blocks another, that it shows the other item aswell


i.e LLO-1234 Blocks LLO-5678

LLO-2222 is blocked by LLO-3333


Can this be achieved without paying for an App?

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Shreeja J
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 26, 2024

Hello @Lee Street 

Yes, you can achieve this without paying for an app. You can create a simple dashboard in Jira using the "Filter Results" gadget. First, set up a JQL (Jira Query Language) filter that captures issues with a "blocks" or "is blocked by" link type. Then, add the filter to your dashboard using one of the gadgets mentioned. To make it more informative, you can add the "Issue Link" field as a column in your filter results to display the linked issues, showing which items are blocked or blocking others.

Shreeja J

Lee Street August 26, 2024

Thanks, I did that already


Sorry, I should have been clearer

I want to see the issue, its status, the issue blocked or blocks by and it status


I want to use it for Release management purposes


Thanks for your time on this

Shreeja J
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 26, 2024

Hello @Lee Street 

You can achieve this by creating two separate filters and adding two gadgets to your dashboard:

  1. Create one filter for issues that blocks other issues and add it to the dashboard using the "Filter Results" gadget, naming it "Blocks."

  2. Create another filter for issues that are blocked by others and add it as a second "Filter Results" gadget, naming it "Blocked By."

Since the linked issue type name isn’t shown directly in the dashboard, having separate gadgets will help you clearly see the issue, its status, and the linked issue with its status.

I’ve shared a screenshot of this setup, so you can see how it looks. You can set it up similarly.

Let me know if you need more help!

Shreeja J

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