Cross links

Valentina La Russa September 6, 2023



I am working on a page and I need to insert the link to a heading that is on another page. How can I do?


2 answers

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Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
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September 6, 2023

@Valentina La Russa Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

There are multiple ways you can do this. A couple include:

  • Insert an anchor in the heading on the other page and then link to the anchor.
  • On the other page, hover next to the heading and select Copy link to heading and then use that in the link you insert.

For information on all of the ways to insert links in Confluence Cloud, see 

Max Foerster - K15t
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September 6, 2023

Hey @Barbara Szczesniak

I would be careful with your second approach. While the link does not fully break and will lead to the correct target site in Confluence, changes to the heading itself will break the link. That's why it's safer to go with the anchor macro.

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
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September 6, 2023

Thanks, @Max Foerster - K15t. Yes, I always use the anchor route, but I wanted to give Valentina a couple of the options available.

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Max Foerster - K15t
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September 6, 2023

Hey @Valentina La Russa, welcome to the community!

The suggested way is to use the anchor macro on the target page and link to it. You can find a step-by-step explanation in the documentation: 

I hope that helps. :)

Best, Max

Valentina La Russa September 6, 2023

For some reasons, the link symbol doesn't appear close by the title I need to link to (which would allow links to titles). 

Do you know why?

Barbara Szczesniak
Rising Star
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September 6, 2023

@Valentina La Russa The link only appears when you are viewing the page, not in edit mode. Generally, whenever I place my mouse close to the end of the heading, this symbol appears.

If it is not appearing when you are in view mode, I'm not sure what might be the cause.

Max Foerster - K15t
Community Leader
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September 6, 2023

What do you mean by "doesn't appear"? The macro will not be displayed when you view the page. Simply put it in a line after or before the heading and you will end up in the right spot. :)

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