Creating special XMLRPC user

Nate Faerber July 15, 2011

I would like to start utilizing xmlrpc in Confluence to update pages automatically via cronjob or some other method that does not involve human interaction. I can create a user to do this and hardcode the password but I would like to restrict the access of this user to only have permissions to view/edit particular pages. I can't seem to figure out how to implement a Deny,Allow type permission scheme.

I want the user to be denied access to every page except specific pages. I want to be able to do this through Confluence security/permissions mechanism rather than doing Apache proxy magic.

Any ideas how to do this? Confluence doesn't let me deny the user the "Can Use" then give specific permission to a space or page. I feel like it would be best to have a security scheme specifically for remote APIs.

Version 3.4.2


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July 17, 2011

Hi Nate:

Unfortunately, it isn't easy to do Allow/Deny- Confluence perm scheme is much like the Linux perm scheme- Hiearcharcial page permission (like folders), with granular page restriction (like files).

In order to allow 1 page in a space, the user needs to have access to the entire space, and every other page in the space must be restricted as to not allow that user into that page. (Like if you gave a key to someone to a floor, you'd have to lock every door that you didn't want them to get into).

Hows this idea:

Make a space- call it... I don't know "autoupdated pages"

Its super permissive as far as who can view, but only the autouser can edit. The auto user only has access to this one space.

On every place where you want this page, you use an include page macro to "symlink" the page in from the autoupdated pages space. That way, you get the magic of auto updates, without having the problem of having to let the autouser have access to the final place of the page.

Con: People can't edit the page easily... but these are automatically updated pages anyway.

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