Creating a custom confluence theme for confluence cloud

Khan Islam
I'm New Here
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September 5, 2019

Hey all I'm using this guide to create a custom confluence theme

I was able to get through the getting started tutorial and was successful in creating a confluence addon.

I'm stuck on step 2 of the confluence theme directions. I believe I modified the app descriptor JSON file correctly.  Here is my configuration below. Any suggestions?

Screen Shot 2019-09-05 at 2.52.14 PM.png


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Dario B
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 19, 2019

Hi @Khan Islam ,

Please notice that this might not be the best place to ask development related questions.

In order to get help on this you may want to refer to the resources listed in



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