Create roadmap from existing sprint plan in XLS

Viraj Kanwade September 11, 2018

I want to load our 9 months sprint plan into a roadmap view. Adding bars manually, placing them in correct sprint and resizing them is too tedious task.


On load, the interface calls API which returns the data as URL encoded JSON string. Is there any way to convert my xls to a JSON, import it and create the roadmap with it?

title, startDate, description, duration provided in JSON format.

1 answer

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Viraj Kanwade September 13, 2018

I came up with a hack solution (see if it helps).

Open Confluence in Google Chrome

Open developer tools in popup out mode

Edit the page with roadmap (or insert a new roadmap)

Open the edit mode of the roadmap

In developer console, in sources tab, right click on 'top' and select 'Search in all files'

Enter search string 'click #toolbar-button-add-bar'

Click on the search result to open the file in sources tab. (Click on {} to beautify the source)

Locate the 'onAddBarClick' function

Add a breakpoint inside the function

In the roadmap edit screen, click on '+ Add bar'. This should hit the breakpoint.

In developer console, go to console tab and enter

var myThis = this;

Switch back to source tab and click the run button

Switch back to console

Enter the following functions

var myAddBar = function (laneIdx, title, startDate, duration) {
var d = myThis.model.get("lanes").at(laneIdx);
var c = d.get("bars");
var g = myThis.model.get("timeline");
var f = new Date(startDate);
//var h = g.get("displayOption") === Roadmap.TIMELINE_DISPLAY_OPTION.MONTH ? moment(f).startOf("month") : moment(f).startOf("isoWeek");
var h = moment(f);
c.add(new Roadmap.Bar({
title: title,
duration: duration,
rowIndex: d.getNumberOfRows(),
startDate: h.toDate()

var myAddMarker = function (title, startDate) {
var g = myThis.model.get("markers");
var d = myThis.model.get("timeline");
var h = moment(new Date(startDate));
//var c = d.get("displayOption") === Roadmap.TIMELINE_DISPLAY_OPTION.MONTH ? : h.isoWeekday(4);
var c = h;
g.add(new Roadmap.Marker({
title: title,
markerDate: c.toDate()

Now you can add a bar programatically with 

myAddBar(1, 'task 1', '2018-09-13 00:00:00', 1)

The laneIdx is the index of the lane starting with 0

The duration is dependent on what ever you have chosen in 'View by' view. 1 for 1 month or 1 week.

You could create you plan in a JSON or simple array format, paste it console, write your own function which loops on the array and calls the corresponding functions.

var m = [
"Sprint 1", "2018-08-27 00:00:00"],
["Sprint 2", "2018-09-10 00:00:00"],
["Sprint 3", "2018-09-24 00:00:00"],
["Sprint 4", "2018-10-08 00:00:00"],
["Sprint 5", "2018-10-22 00:00:00"]
m.forEach(function(mr) {myAddMarker(mr[0], mr[1])})


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